Friday, 3 December 2010


So I came all this way to experience a really cold winter and in reality I could have just stayed at home. There are a few things that I have learnt about the cold so far, some of which you might be experiencing in the UK. Firstly anything under -10 is not really cold at all, it is suprising how long you can stand outside chatting in only a jumper at this temperature, at around -20 your nose sticks together when you sniff, at -26 I could not take my shoes off because my laces had frozen stiff, and anything below that and with wind chill is just stupuidly cold. One thing that is a little sad is that yoiu find it very difficult to make snowballs and snow men, the snow we have here is so powdery that it barely sticks together at all, still the Ice roads are opening up now so with my new found driving skills maybe I could do a spot of Ice trucking at the weekends.

Because I have seen how cold it is in the UK in my update tomorrow I will list the what to do in case you fall into a frozen river safety rules as published in last months local paper.

Anyway Cath and I are both well and happy, I have been working in the Pre school this week and will be there next week as well, and Cath is working on the schools Christmas production.

Hope everyone is well

Speak to you soon

1 comment:

  1. -10 in only a jumper... try -18 in only a dress! Never seen colder than that though, -26 is impressive. Sounds like you're having a great time, make sure you bring those muffin baking skills back with you. By the way, the thought of you ice trucking is terrifying, do you think here in the UK is a safe enough distance away for us?
