Thursday, 30 September 2010

What I have learnt so far

Well September has nearly ended and after a little cold snap we are having a little heat wave, down to a T-shirt today with temperatures in the high teens. Still really enjoying it here, a few things are coming up. We are moving house after the weekend would have done it over the weekend but we are off to Fort St John (think it is about 6-8 hours away) They have a Tim Horton's and a Dairy Queen. I also managed to visit Nahanni and a big thanks for David for showing me around, just hope the clouds are a bit higher when we come over for some skiing.

I have learnt a few important things so far,
Firstly I love being in a country were Peanuts are not a catagory A banned substance and dressed up as the most evil edible delight in the world. I think the philosophy here is if you can eat it, you can sure as hell put a peanut in it, breakfast cereals, cake bars, chocolate, ice cream bread, everything.

Also Watching TV from america is hilarious you have no idea about how dangerous a watermelon is, if you can, check out Youtube and search amazing race - watermelon. How it did not knock her out I have no idea.

We have some live entertainment in the hamlet tonight a Musician from Yellowknife and an Artist as well. Hope Everyone in The UK is doing well.

Aaron Guess your next to hit the 30

Thursday, 23 September 2010

First Snow

Just thought I would let everyone know that we had our first snowfall last night, not loads but a good amount when compared to the amount we usually get in the UK. Most of it has gone now and although the forecast suggest that they maybe a little more on the way it is not expected to stay as the weekend and early part of next week looks could possibly reaching the heady hights of 16.

At first i was really looking forward to winter, but it has just hit me that 5 or 6 months of winter and freezing conditions might get a little samey towards the end, oh well at lest it has made my finally to get round to ordering my winter gear.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

1 Month in

Well here we are nearly 1 month in to our stay here, and what can I say everything is just great, Cath is doing some actual teaching this week by teaching geology to the high school students, The kids at Fort Liard have just enjoyed participating in Canada's first national sports day where I helped organize a scatterball compition annd Archery events, sometimes the turn out to these events is pretty poor but we managed to get a decent number and everyone really enjoyed it.

I guess the big news is that Cath and I got out of the Hamlet for a day last weekend when we were given a lift to Fort Nelson, after 3 weeks here it did seem a little strange sitting in a Boston Pizza, and then drinking gourmet coffee still you need a little treat after driving 400km to get some groceries. Next week I am hopefully taking a trip with the RCMP (mounties) to a place call nahanni biute (spelling?) which is a very small hamlet of only around 80 people, no idea how long it will take to get there but really looking forward to going, I think that the area will look so different travelling on the river.

Before we left we were apprehensive about coming here, and were given a lot of information, not negative as such but more just preparation of what could happen what it might be like, what I can say so far is that everything here has been so positive. We have really started to get to know the kids at school in the last couple of weeks (I'm now known as the 'muffin man"), and it is great bumping into them in the street, everyone hasd been very friendly and we are both just enjoying it here, the possibilities just seems endless.

Some time last week i walked to the top of a small gravel pit where you get great views of the mountains to the north, and wow it was some view nothing but trees for hundreds of km, any of my friends reading this from the UK, if you have a spare 10 months coming out here is highly recommended.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The Hamlet

View down rhe main road

Down by the River

The Confluence of the Pettitot and Liard rivers

Local wildlife

Buffalo by the airstrip

Our House and future house (left)

Fort Liard Update

Thanks to eveyone who has logged on, it's so nice to hear from you all. To the other volunteers I look forward to checking out your blogs, Colleen i have tried to look at yours but i think that i need to be invitited. Out of interest is anyone else off to Edminton for Dream catchers in October.

Everyday Catherine brings in her laptop to add some photos but has promised me just know that she will do it today. We are both doing well we seem to have 2 days of blistering sun and then a day of torrential rain, the mornings are getting cold and much darker, so looking forward to the snow. I have some wheels now as a friend has given me his 'old' bike which is like the most amazing bike i have ever had the fortune to ride.

Work at the moment is going well I'm turning into a real Nigella, making french toast, pancakes, muffins, flapjack, Granola although i think i'm starting to get a little carried away for the local palate with my porridge creations. Starting the sports this week with Soccer (how it pains me to call the beautiful game soccer), Archery and badminton. As soon as we figure out how to attach the canoes to the the trucks then we will hopefully be off paddling as well.

It really is so beautiful here, the prople at work have been awesome and the locals very friendly. the Kids are pretty cool as well, but i'm getting fed up of constantly being thrashed at table football by one particular child, with the current score being 20-3.

Friday, 3 September 2010

One Week In

One week in and although the weather is sunny and hot, the trees are losing there leaves and winter looks like it is on it's way. Think we are in for a hell of a shock when it comes.

Work is going well Catherine is settling in well at school, I have been running the breakfast programme and will start the sports programme in the next few weeks, made 200 hundred muffins the other day, and bacon and eggs for nearly 100 today (learning on your feet truely is the way to go). When winter kicks in it looks like i will be helping out with cross country skiing and the biathlon, plus a little snowboarding on the side.

Beautiful place, i think cath and i will be reallly happy here. Will defo get out and take some pics to add on here asap, now we just need some people to read it. Please if you come on here then add a comment it would be great to here from some people.