Well here we are nearly 1 month in to our stay here, and what can I say everything is just great, Cath is doing some actual teaching this week by teaching geology to the high school students, The kids at Fort Liard have just enjoyed participating in Canada's first national sports day where I helped organize a scatterball compition annd Archery events, sometimes the turn out to these events is pretty poor but we managed to get a decent number and everyone really enjoyed it.
I guess the big news is that Cath and I got out of the Hamlet for a day last weekend when we were given a lift to Fort Nelson, after 3 weeks here it did seem a little strange sitting in a Boston Pizza, and then drinking gourmet coffee still you need a little treat after driving 400km to get some groceries. Next week I am hopefully taking a trip with the RCMP (mounties) to a place call nahanni biute (spelling?) which is a very small hamlet of only around 80 people, no idea how long it will take to get there but really looking forward to going, I think that the area will look so different travelling on the river.
Before we left we were apprehensive about coming here, and were given a lot of information, not negative as such but more just preparation of what could happen what it might be like, what I can say so far is that everything here has been so positive. We have really started to get to know the kids at school in the last couple of weeks (I'm now known as the 'muffin man"), and it is great bumping into them in the street, everyone hasd been very friendly and we are both just enjoying it here, the possibilities just seems endless.
Some time last week i walked to the top of a small gravel pit where you get great views of the mountains to the north, and wow it was some view nothing but trees for hundreds of km, any of my friends reading this from the UK, if you have a spare 10 months coming out here is highly recommended.
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